
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

In the nightmarish land of a flare

For this last week I have been in an extreme flair. I spent last Friday and then this Monday and Tuesday in Saint George getting Calmare treatments done but for the first time it really hasn't helped. I can barely focus on anything and it was so excruciating to ride in the car on the way there and the way home . The roads are very bumpy and the vibrations were killing. I am also getting behind in school because I'm in too much pain to focus on it. I have managed to create another Hug Me Pillow though because it's one of the only things that keeps my mind off the pain.

This  is the front and back of it.
I apologize if this ended up being a pitty party post.
With lots of love and a hope for a pain free tomorrow,


  1. Hi Taylor,
    My daughter is 19 and has RSD for 2 yrs. She tried Calmare here in Va but it did not help. We are probably going to try it with Dr D'Amato since I know it has helped you so much in the past. My daughter is in a severe flair right now. I am hoping you both are pain-free very soon. You can email her sometime at She has a tough time sleeping and is up most nights and I am sure she would enjoy talking to you.


  2. I would love to talk to her:)What is her name?

  3. I love your pillows - you have a great talent. Its amazing that you are willing to share it with others while you are in so much pain. Stay Strong :)
