
Monday, February 21, 2011

Stupid leg :(

So life has been pretty hard lately. I've pretty much been bed ridden because I can no longer bear weight on my right leg( my RSD leg) without being in tremendous excruciating pain in my knee and shin. I'm using crutches to get around the house and I really hate them. We are probably going to go get a wheelchair from a friend until I get better, at least enough to walk. This is hard for me because I've never been this bad to where I would have to use a wheelchair, it seriously sucks. I have an appointment with a neurologist today but I don't know how much good it will do. I hope you all are doing better than me.
With lots of love,

"Pain pain go away, don't ever come back another day"- Quote by me

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Flare and a Robot

I haven't update in like forever and it is because I have been in a really bad flare. I am having a really hard time doing anything and now my pain has spread all the way up my right side and into my chest. The pain is so bad it feels like when I look at my leg it should have knifes sticking out of it, cuts all over it, and its engulfed in flames. I haven't been sewing as much as I would like to either because I am trying to work on my school stuff . I only have one more class to complete to graduate but it's government and the pain makes it hard to focus. I did however make a robot plushie before I got  really bad. It took me a total of 14 hours to make because I made my own pattern from a drawing of mine and there are so many pieces to it, 43 to be exact. I will be selling them for $45 I think and even though they are part of my Hug Mes for RSD kids I won't be giving them away for free yet because of the time and money it takes to create them. I am extremely proud of this little fellah and would love to make him in other colors when I have the time again. Here are some pictures:)

The last one is for measuring purposes so you can see how big he really is:)
With lots of love,