
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Idiotic doctors:/

So yesterday I went to a rare disease dr and it was an absolute disaster. We, my family and I, were so excited to hear about this man who apparently is educated on RSD, has a passion for rare diseases, and works with kids but he ended up being a jerkface to the max. He was rude, didn't listen, and didn't care that my allodynia was really bad and even though i asked him to touch my foot as little as possible when he did the examination he just starts grabbing and squeezing! Plus, he blamed it on me that I didn't have my plantar fascia treated properly in the beginning and that is why I have RSD! It is NOT my fault the 15 other numskull drs I saw in the beginning couldn't diagnose me with something as simple as plantar fascia. I'm not a dr, I went to the drs who are supposed to help you and they didn't, don't try and blame it on me. uhg! I can see now too that he is a complete fake, the patient before me, a little girl, when she left the dr gave her a kiss on the cheek and was super sweet, but when he came to me, noooo, he has to be a completely mean jerkface. and I found out afterward too that he misdiagnosed a girl with leukemia. She went through radiation and everything before he realized, oh wait, you don't have it. Her body was damaged from the radiation. Such an idiot. Sorry for the rant but I'm just so mad that there is no one who knows about RSD let alone has ever even heard about it and the one person I find doesn't even care. Please never ever ever go to a DR. Bernstein who does a cure for kids. You will be worse off for it.:( Now I need to put it behind me and pray for the man because he obviously needs some serious help and it is his ignorance that he doesn't want to help me or to learn about my disease.

On a happy note, I am getting really close to being done with school. I can't wait to be done with it because it is so hard to focus on when I am in so much pain. And when I am done with it I can focus on my sewing which I really enjoy and helps me keep my mind off the pain. Plus I can start earning money through selling things to try and get the embroidery machine that I want so much:)
My pain has been really bad lately at a 6-8 level, mostly 8, and the burning is worse. I can hardly go anywhere because the vibrations from the car and road are just unbearably painful. Plus it has been windy and the wind blowing on my leg is painful. sigh..... I really hope things get better soon.
With lots of love,